Sunday, April 14, 2019

Idaho Skies Transcript for April 17th and 18th

Idaho Skies
17 - 18 April

Welcome to Idaho Skies for April 17th and 18th. We’re your hosts, Rachel...

...and Paul.

Albert Einstein passed away on April 18th, 1955.

Einstein was a mediocre student, but mostly in classes that he wasn’t interested in. He did well in other subjects, like Mathematics. His first job after graduation was working for the Federal Office for Intellectual Property in Bern, or the Swiss patent office. There he worked as a technician examining patent claims. This job gave him time to work on his passion - physics. 

1905 was an extraordinary year for Einstein. He published papers on the photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, and special relativity. The first two papers described events in the atomic world, while relativity explained the effects of traveling near the speed of light. Einstein was instrumental in the development of quantum mechanics, but he wasn’t happy with the conclusions it eventually reached. 

Special relativity, it turns out, is very limited. So Einstein went on to expand it to include gravity and acceleration. The result was the General Theory of Relativity. His general theory taught us that the universe was more amazing then we imagined. And it has led to the discovery of new phenomena and ways to observe the universe.

Black holes were first hypothesized by John Michell in 1783. It wasn’t until Einstein’s General Relativity in 1915, however, that we could actually determine the properties of black holes. Not only that, but we can use the gravity waves Einstein predicted to detect events like colliding black holes.     

That’s Idaho Skies for the 17th and 18th of April.

Be sure to read our blog for additional information. It’s at
For Idaho Skies this is Rachel...

...and Paul.

Dark skies and bright stars.

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