Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Transcript for May 29th to June 4th

Welcome to Idaho Skies for the fifth week of May. We’re your hosts, Rachel…

…and Paul.

The moon is last quarter on the 29th.

Which means it’s also a nice to observe the moon through your binoculars.

More importantly, the moon has a neighbor that night and it’s a bit of an astronomical challenge to see.

The challenge is our eighth planet, Neptune.

This icy giant planet is just 4.5 degrees away from the moon on the 29th.

That means you can see both together in a pair of binoculars because binoculars typically have a field of view of 5 degrees.

You’ll need dark skies in order to see Neptune, so leave town for the countryside.

Once in a dark location, place the moon on the right edge of your binoculars.

Then find the brightest star directly east of the moon and the far edge of your binoculars.

A small distance farther east of the bright star is a faint star that will be as bright as Neptune.

And the distance between the star and the brighter star is the same distance Neptune is away from the bright star.

Now Neptune is the other faint star down and slightly left of the bright star.

The bright star, its neighboring faint star, and Neptune will form a small triangle with a 90 degree apex centered on the bright star.

It will be better to place the moon outside your view when you search for Neptune.

You’ll find a star map for you to use on both Idaho Skies on Twitter and Blog Spot.

If you get a chance to see Neptune, remember that you’re looking at the most distant planet in the solar system.

The average distance between Earth and Neptune is 2.7 billion miles.

At a diameter of 30,600 miles, Neptune is almost four times the size of Earth.

Its mass is 17 times greater than Earth.

Why only 17 times more massive? Shouldn’t be more like four times four times four or 64 times more massive?

The reason for the discrepancy is that while Earth is rocky, Neptune is mostly water and gas. 

The moon is close to the eastern horizon as you drive to work on the 31st.

Can you see Earthshine on the moon?

Binoculars will definitely help.

But please don’t use your binoculars while you drive.

It’s Saturn’s turn to reach opposition on June 3rd.

This means Earth is passing Saturn as the planets orbit around the sun.

The reason Earth can pass the superior planets is because Earth’s orbit around the sun is smaller.

Smaller orbits are closer to the sun and therefore under the influence of a stronger gravitational field.

Stronger gravitational fields mean orbital speeds must be higher to maintain a constant distance from the sun.

So if Earth wasn’t traveling faster, then it would spiral into the sun.

Barbeque anyone?

That’s Idaho Skies for the last week of May. Next week is another opportunity to see Earthshine.

Be sure to follow us on Twitter at Idaho Skies for this week’s event reminders and sky maps.

For Idaho Skies this is Paul…

…and Rachel.

Dark skies and bright stars.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Transcript for May 22nd to 28th

Welcome to Idaho Skies for the fourth week of May. We’re your hosts, Paul…

…and Rachel.

Mars reaches opposition on the 22nd.

At opposition, superior planets…

…or those beyond Earth…

…are at their closest to Earth for the year.

Opposition occurs when the faster orbital motion of Earth results in it catching up to and passing the superior planet in question.

In the process of reaching opposition, superior planets appear to retrograde, or move slightly backwards across the stars.

Retrograde motion is an illusion however.

It’s caused by the changing perspective between Earth and superior planets when compared to the fixed stars.

Hundreds of years ago…

…that’s when the geocentric or Earth-centered solar system was in vogue…

…astronomers and philosophers believed the superior planets actually moved backwards during a short period of time at retrograde.

This was possible because astronomers believed these planets orbited Earth in a set of nested orbits of various sizes.

In the 16th century, Copernicus convinced astronomers otherwise.

He explained that retrograde motion was easier to understand when you move the sun to the center of the solar system and demoted Earth to a planet orbiting the sun.

In time, other astronomers accepted this explanation, especially after the work of Johannes Kepler in the 17th century.

The bright yellowish star visible to the right of the moon on the 22nd is Saturn.

You’ll need at a spotting scope or telescope capable of magnifying at least 25 times in order to see the planet’s rings.

And its largest satellite, Titan.

Titan is a fascinating world.

Yes it is. It’s larger than Earth’s moon and cloaked in an atmosphere denser than Earth’s.

Unfortunately, it’s also intensely cold on Titan.

How cold?

So cold that methane, a gas used to heat our homes, is a liquid.

So cold that its nitrogen-rich atmosphere is almost cold enough to liquefy.

Because of its dense atmosphere, Titan has weather.

However, its dense atmosphere prevents it weather from being as dynamic as Earth’s weather

Still, this still allows it to rain on Titan.

On Titan, it’s a methane rain falling on rock hard pebbles of water ice.

In 2005, the Huygens probe landed on Titan and returned images for 90 minutes.

Those images showed a landscape not too unlike Earth.

Including mountains eroded by falling methane rain

And a stream bed where once a liquid methane stream once flowed.

That’s Idaho Skies for the fourth week of May. We have a challenge for you next week, to see Neptune in your binoculars.

Be sure to read our blog for additional information. It’s at idahoskies.blogspot.com.

For Idaho Skies this is Rachel…

…and Paul.

Dark skies and bright stars.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Transcript for May 15th to 21st

Welcome to Idaho Skies for the third week of May. We’re your hosts, Rachel…

…and Paul.

The moon passes very close to Spica on the night of the 17th.

Spica is the brightest star of Virgo the Maiden, which is the second largest constellation in the sky.

Only the constellation of Hydra is larger.

Hydra is the constellation of the water snake and its located east of Virgo.

Virgo is made up of dim stars, so the constellation doesn’t stand out to the extent that its large size would indicate.

One depiction of Virgo is as a goddess of justice named Justitia.

In this guise, she holds the scales of justice in her hands.

And those scales are represented by the constellation of Libra the Scales.

So it’s not surprising that a widely spaced double star located in Libra can be found below the moon two days later on the 19th.

The star’s name is Zubenelgenubi and the angular distance between the companion stars is wide enough that some people can see it as two separate stars without optical aid.

The rest of us need a pair of binoculars.

You’ll find the double star 5 degrees below the moon on the night of the 19th.

So to find it, place the moon at the top of your binocular’s view.

Then Zubenelgenubi will appear as the bright pair of stars at the bottom of your view.

The moon is full on the 21st.

The full moon in May is called the Flower Moon by some people.

This year the Flower moon located between the planets Mars and Saturn.

Mars is the bright orange-tinted star to the right of the moon.

And Saturn is the fainter yellow-white star to the lower left of the moon.

Currently, there are five spacecraft orbiting Mars, three American, one European, and one Indian.

On Mars are two functioning rovers.

They’re named Opportunity and Curiosity

Unfortunately, there’s only one spacecraft orbiting Saturn, Cassini.

Below the moon is another orange star, Antares.

Antares is a red giant star and it represents the heart of Scorpius the Scorpion.

Antares has the same color as Mars, but it’s not quite as bright as Mars these days.

That’s because Earth is approaching close to Mars.

As Earth and Mars approach one another, Mars changes from an average orangish star into a bright orange beacon.

So when you observe Mars and Antares these days, look for their similar color but distinctly different brightness.

That’s Idaho Skies for the third week of May. Mars reaches opposition next week and we’ll tell more about it.

Be sure to follow us on Twitter at Idaho Skies for this week’s event reminders and sky maps.

For Idaho Skies this is Rachel…

…and Paul.

Dark skies and bright stars.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Transcript: May 8th to 14th

Welcome to Idaho Skies for the second week of May. We’re your hosts, Paul…

…and Rachel.

The moon reappears in the low west-northwest on the 8th.

It’s been absent from the sky for the last four days because it’s been too close to the sun.

So after it gets dark after 10:00 PM on the 8th, look for the moon and see if you can detect Earthshine illuminating its dark portion.

Earthshine will be most visible if you view the moon through binoculars.

You can make additional observations of Earthshine for several more nights.

Mercury made an evening appearance last month.

However, it disappeared before the end of April.

This month Mercury passes between Earth and the sun and Idahoans get to see a part of that passage.

This event is called a transit and it only happens on an average of 13 times per century.

The transit begins on the 9th at around 7:00 AM in Idaho and ends shortly after noon.

Now a transit is not safe to observe directly with your eyes, since it requires looking at the sun.

This means that a telescope properly covered with solar viewing filters can directly observe the transit of Mercury, but other instruments cannot.

Check the website for the Boise Astronomical Society for times and locations that you can see the transit.

Or try using the projection method of observing the sun.

How can you project an image of the sun?

If you can aim a pair of binoculars, spotting scope, or small telescope at the sun, then you can project an image.

Do NOT look at this image through the eyepiece.

Instead, place a sheet of white paper several inches to an foot away from the eyepiece of your scope or binoculars.

Then focus the scope or binoculars until the image of the sun is sharp.

Any sunspots visible during the transit will appear irregularly shaped with fuzzy edges.

While Mercury will appear as a tiny round dot with sharp edges.

Mercury will travel across the sun south of its equator from Earth’s perspective.

But remember that if you observe the transit with a telescope, the image will be upside down.

Hey, want to see a really nice star cluster on the night of the 11th?

The star cluster’s named is the Beehive Star Cluster and you’ll find it 7 degrees above the moon.

To see this attractive star cluster, point you binoculars at the moon and then tilt them directly north of the moon.

Just after the moon leaves the binoculars’ view, the Beehive will appear at the top of the field of view.

You should see a striking similarity between the Beehive star cluster and a swarm of bees.

What’s that bright star above the moon on the night of the 14th?

Why it’s Jupiter, the King of the solar system’s planets.

Both are so close that you can see them both together in your binoculars.

You’ll notice that Jupiter is accompanied by a retinue of satellites.

From left to right, the moons will be Callisto, Europa, Jupiter, and Ganymede.

There’s an even closer moon that you can see if you use a small telescope.

It’s Jupiter’s innermost moon Io and it appears near the right edge of Jupiter in a telescope.

That’s Idaho Skies for the second week of May. Next week the Flower Moon passes between two bright planets.

Be sure to read our blog for additional information. It’s at idahoskies.blogspot.com.

For Idaho Skies this is Paul…

…and Rachel.

Dark skies and bright stars.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Idaho Skies for May 2016

May 1 – 7

The moon is new on the 6th, but on the mornings of the 2nd and 3rd, it’s visible in the low east before sunrise. If you leave for work before sunrise, be sure to take a look at the moon and Earthshine on its right side. You’ll need to make this observation by around 4:45 AM. Much later and the light of dawn will wash out Earthshine.

The Eta Aquarid meteor shower peaks on the night of the 6th and morning of the 7th, which is awesome since this is a Friday night and Saturday morning. We can observe up to 30 meteors per hour from this shower; unfortunately, this is the case if you live the southern hemisphere. However, it’s still worth observing this shower as the nights are getting warmer and the moon is new. That means we’ll have warm, dark skies for observing this shower. There’s no need to watch this shower all night, as the radiant for the shower doesn’t rise until after 3:00 AM. So look for meteors appearing from the low east after 3:00 AM.  

 May 8 – 14
The moon reappears in the low west-northwest on the 8th. So after it gets dark after 10:00 PM, look for the moon and see if you can detect Earthshine illuminating its dark portion. Earthshine will be most visible if you view the moon through binoculars. The brightish orange star to the left of the moon is Betelgeuse, a star in the shoulder of Orion. You can make observations of Earthshine for several more nights.

Mercury made an evening appearance last month, but disappeared before the end of April. This month Mercury passes between Earth and the sun and in Idaho, we get to see a part of that. This is called a transit and it only happens on an average of 13 times per century. The transit begins on the 9th at around 7:00 AM in Idaho and ends shortly after noon.

A transit is not safe to observe directly with your eyes, since it requires looking at the sun. This means that a telescope properly covered with solar viewing filters can observe the transit of Mercury, but other instruments cannot. The rest of us will need to rely having an acquaintance who is an amateur astronomer, finding a local astronomy club giving public viewings, or using the projection method of observing the sun. How can you project an image of the sun? A pair of binoculars, spotting scope, or small telescope pointed at the sun will project an image of the sun out its eyepiece. Do NOT look at this image through the eyepiece. Instead, position the telescope so that the image projecting out of the eyepiece falls upon a sheet of paper. Then focus the binoculars, spotting scope, or telescope so that the image is sharp. Any sunspots visible during the transit will appear to have fuzzy edges while Mercury will be a tiny round dot with well-defined edges. Mercury will transit south of the sun’s equator, from Earth’s perspective. Remember that if you observe the transit with a telescope, the image will be upside down.   

Gemini appears like the waist and legs of a soccer player. Look in the low west after dark in May and you’ll see upright Gemini as two columns of stars. At the top of the columns are two bright stars, Pollux (on the left) and Castor (on the right). Castor and Pollux mark the head of the Gemini Twins, but more like the waist of a soccer player. Even better, on the evening of the 9th, the crescent moon appears at the feet of Gemini just like Gemini is about to kick it like a soccer ball.

One of the closest stars to the sun appears to the lower left of the moon on the 10th. The star’s name is Procyon, which means “Before the Dog”. The dog in this case is the Dog Star, Sirius. Procyon gets this name because it rises shortly before the rising of Sirius. Procyon is the eighth brightest star in the sky because it’s only 11.5 light years away and not because its particular bright compared to other stars. Procyon is a young star, only one quarter the age of the sun. Procyon is the brighter of the two stars forming the constellation of Canis Minor, or the Little Dog.      

Hey, want to see a really nice star cluster? You can on almost any night, but the 11th is better because the moon will help you find it. The star cluster is named the Beehive Star Cluster and you’ll find it 7 degrees above the moon on the night of the 11th. To see this attractive star cluster, point you binoculars at the moon and then tilt them directly north of the moon. Just after the moon leaves the binoculars’ view, the Beehive will appear at the top of the field of view. You should see a striking similarity between the Beehive and a swarm of bees.

The moon reaches the first quarter phase on the 13th. The star Regulus also appears above the moon that night. Regulus is the brightest star of Leo the Lion. The constellation is standing on end above the moon that night. Regulus is so close to the moon that both can be seen together at the same time through binoculars.

There’s an even brighter star above the moon on the night of the 14th. In his case, the star is Jupiter, the King of the solar system’s planets. Both the moon and Jupiter can be seen together in your binoculars on the 14th. You should notice that Jupiter appears as a more intense source of light than the moon and that it is accompanied by a retinue of satellites. On the 14th, binoculars will let you see up to three of Jupiter’s moons. From left to right, the moons will be Callisto, Europa, Jupiter, and Ganymede. The planet’s innermost moon Io very close to Jupiter and might not be visible through binoculars. If you have a spotting scope or larger, then Io appears near the right edge of Jupiter.

May 15 – 21

The moon passes very close to Spica on the night of the 17th. Spica is the brightest star of Virgo the Maiden, the second largest constellation. Virgo is made up of dim stars, so the constellation doesn’t stand out to the extent its large size should make it. One depiction of Virgo is as a goddess of justice named Justitia. In this guise, she holds the scales of justice in her hands, or the constellation of Libra.   

A widely spaced double star located in Libra can be found below the moon on the 19th. The star’s name is Zubenelgenubi and the angular distance between the companion stars is wide enough that some people can see it as two separate stars without optical aid. The rest of us need a pair of binoculars. The star is 5 degrees below the moon, therefore, place the moon at the top of your binocular’s view and Zubenelgenubi will be the bright pair of stars at the bottom.

The moon is full on the 21st. Full moons in May are sometimes called the Flower Moon and you’ll find the Flower moon located between the planets Mars and Saturn. Mars will be the bright orange-tinted star to the right of the moon and Saturn will be the fainter yellow-white star to the lower left of the moon. Below the moon is another orange star, Antares. Antares is the heart of Scorpius the Scorpion.

May 22 – 30

Mars reaches opposition on the 22nd. At opposition, superior planets, or those beyond Earth, are at their closest to Earth for the year. Opposition occurs when the faster orbital motion of Earth results in Earth catching up to and passing the superior planet in question. In the process of reaching opposition, superior planets appear to retrograde, or move slightly backwards across the stars. Retrograde motion is an illusion caused by the changing perspective between Earth and superior planets when compared to the fixed stars. Hundreds of years ago, when the geocentric or Earth-centered solar system was in vogue, astronomers and philosophers believed the superior planets actually moved backwards during a short period of time. This was possible because these planets orbited Earth in a set of nested orbits of various sizes. Copernicus convinced astronomers in the 16th century that the retrograde motion of the planets was easier to explain by moving the sun to the center of the solar system and demoting Earth to a planet orbiting the sun.   

The bright yellowish star visible to the right of the moon on the 22nd is Saturn. You’ll need at least a spotting scope capable of magnifying at least 25 times in order to see the planet’s rings and largest satellite, Titan. Titan is a fascinating world. It’s larger than Earth’s moon and surrounded by an atmosphere denser than Earth’s. Unfortunately, it’s intensely cold on Titan. So cold that methane, a gas used to heat our homes, is a liquid. Its nitrogen-rich atmosphere is almost cold enough to liquefy. Because of its dense atmosphere and liquid methane, Titan has weather, but probably not as dynamic as Earth’s. This still allows it to rain on Titan, but with methane rain.   

If you’re a late night person, you can use the moon to locate several star clusters and nebulae on the morning of the 24th. These attractive deep sky objects are located between Earth and the center of our galaxy, meaning they appear in the thick of the Milky Way (which is why you need to wait until after midnight to see them). These clusters and nebulae are small, so you need a pair of binoculars to see them. Through binoculars, the nebulae will appear as fuzzy spots while the star clusters will have some stars sprinkled among the fuzz.  

The moon is last quarter on the 29th, which is nice, but it has a neighbor that night that will give you a real astronomy challenge. The eighth planet, Neptune is just 4.5 degrees away from the moon on the 29th. This means you can see both together in a pair of binoculars, which typically have a field of view of 5 degrees. You need dark skies in order to see Neptune, so leave town for the countryside. To see Neptune, place the moon on the right edge of your binoculars and find the brightest star directly east of the moon. This star will be near the left edge of your binoculars. A small distance farther east of the bright star is a faint star that’s as bright as Neptune. The distance between the star and the brighter star is the same distance Neptune is away from the bright star. Neptune is the other faint star down and slightly left of the bright star. The bright star, faint star, and Neptune will form a small triangle with a 90 degree apex.    

The moon is close to the eastern horizon as you drive to work on the 31st. Can you see Earthshine? Binoculars will definitely help (but don’t use binoculars while you drive!).

This Month’s Sources

Astronomical Phenomena of the Year 2016, The Nautical Almanac Office and Her Majesty’s Nautical Almanac Office
Astronomy Calendar of Celestial Events for Calendar Year 2016, http://www.seasky.org/astronomy/astronomy-calender-2016.html
Climate of Titan, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_of_Titan
Mercury Transits the Sun, http://skyandtelescope.com/observing/ceelstial-objects-to-watch/mercury-transits-thesun/
Night Sky Explorer
Virgo, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virgo_(constellation)

Transcript for May 1st to 7th

Welcome to Idaho Skies for the first week of May. We’re your hosts, Rachel…

…and Paul.

The moon is new on the 6th.

That means it’s been approaching closer to the sun for the last two weeks.

When the moon is approaching the sun, its phase gets smaller.

Or more crescent shaped

And this means the far side of the moon is becoming more illuminated.

When the moon’s phase gets smaller each day, we call it a waning moon.

That’s the opposite of when the moon is getting farther from the sun each day.

Then the moon’s phase gets larger each day.

And we call this a waxing moon.

Because the moon is new on the 6th, the waning crescent moon is visible in the low east before sunrise on the 2nd and 3rd.

If you leave for work before sunrise on those days, then take the opportunity to look at the moon and Earthshine illuminating its right side.

You’ll need to make this observation by around 4:45 AM.

Because much later and the light of dawn will wash out Earthshine.
The Eta Aquarid meteor shower peaks on the night of the 6th and morning of the 7th.

That’s awesome since that’s a Friday night and Saturday morning.

This shower produces up to 30 meteors per hour in dark skies.

Unfortunately, you live in Idaho.

And Aquarius is a constellation located south of he equator.

And since you’re an inhabitant of the Northern hemisphere, you’ll see fewer meteors per hour.

However, it’s still worth observing this shower.

That’s because the nights are getting warmer and the moon is new.

So you’ll have more comfortable nights and darker skies.

There’s no need to watch this shower all night, however.

Because the radiant point of this shower doesn’t rise until after 3:00 AM.

All Eta Aquarid meteors will appear to originate from a point in the sky located in the low east.

This point is called the meteor shower’s radiant.

The radiant’s exact position depends on when the meteor stream intersects Earth’s orbit.

And the constellation in which the radiant occurs is usually the meteor shower’s name.

There’s more than one meteor shower that originates in the constellation of Aquarius, so the Eta Aquarids are also given the name of the star they originate near.

Be sure to appreciate each meteor you see.

That’s because each meteor streaking across the sky is vaporizing from the heat of its entry into Earth’s atmosphere.

And as a result, each glowing meteor is giving up its existence in order for you to enjoy it.

So sad.

That’s Idaho Skies for the first week of May. Next week the planet Mercury crosses the face of the sun.

Be sure to follow us on Twitter at Idaho Skies for this week’s event reminders and sky maps.

For Idaho Skies this is Rachel…

…and Paul.

Dark skies and bright stars.

This Month's Star is Mizar

This month look for the star Mizar and its companion star Alcor. Mizar is the star located in the bend of the handle of the Big Dipper. Look carefully at this star and you’ll probably detect its faint companion star, Alcor. Use your binoculars if you’re not certain that you can see this fainter star. The position of Alcor, relative the Mizar places it at an angle pointing away from the bend in the Dipper’s handle. I get the impression that the distance between the two stars is the same as 1/8th of an inch appears when viewed at arm’s distance. It may be hard to believe, but Mizar and Alcor have an angular separation close to half the diameter of the moon. When you look at Mizar with even slight optical aid, you’ll notice something else; it’s a double star (so there are three stars visible in a telescope).

Mizar was the first double star astronomers discovered (in 1650). Mizar is over twice as massive as our sun and Alcor is over 50% heavier than our sun. The pair is between 78 and 81 light years from the earth (the distance is uncertain). The actual distance between Mizar and Alcor may be anywhere between 1/4 to over 3 light years. So it’s possible that these two stars are not actually in orbit around each other. However, if they are in orbit around each other, their orbital period may be in the hundreds of thousands of years!